When the studio began and our teachers listed the plan of events during the course of semester we were very much anxious about the new semester and how it was going to work out. The fact that this semester was going to unfold into a happy one was a mystery then. The various discussions, disputes and agreements all added to our growth. The mountain of work which we thought was impossible for one person was accomplished by each one of was. The best thing was we were evaluated on the process not the end result. The various live case studies, site studies which forced us to go outside the walls of the classroom only made us better human beings. We interacted with different people and studied their problems. The independence our teachers gave us not only pushed us to work harder but gave us the happiness to work that was missing for us. Jury day came and ended faster than us falling asleep in class. But the cherry on top of the cake was after jury Vishnu sir telling us to m...
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